About Firm
  Realization of orders
  Decorated glass
       We are a company, which continue a few decades of tradition in this specific and unique glass craft. We offer high quality glass equipment for lab, medical and technical use. Our products are made of high quality glass: siliceus - boric and calcium - soda.
       Łódzka Wytwórnia Szkła Laboratoryjnego i Medycznego (Lab and Medical Glass Works in Lodz) exists since 1939 and doubtless it had a meaning role in history of evolution of producing glass lab equipment in Poland. Since then the company had a few organization changes. In 1969 starting as a production institute, raised up the Work Co – operative “Łódzka Dmuchalnia Szkła” (ŁDS). It was signed up in National Society of Lab and Medical Equipment Co – operatives (“Krajowy Związek Spółdzielni Sprzętu Laboratoryjnego i Medycznego” – “KZSSLiM”. In 1976 it was united with “Łódzka Wytwórnia Termometrów” (ŁWT) producing medical thermometers and became new co – op named Lab and Medical Glass Works in Lodz “LABMED”.
In Autumn 2001 the co – op was liquidated because of organization and market situation changes. New owner Henryk Kłosowiak of the company “Labmed – HK”, after reorganizing and taking a suitable strategy, continues production.
       Company’s domain is measuring glass; we can mention here multi- and single- calibrated pipettes, burettes, cylinders. We are also producing lab devices, condensers, distillation heads, dippers, test – tubes and many others.
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